Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lecture Notes for Trusses

Please download it here...

Please do the assignment as given in class.. Remember..if i do not receive anything by the 8th week, kira telur ayam laaaa

Saturday, September 24, 2011

First and Second Lecture Materials for Sems 1 2011/2012 Session

Dear Students,

The lesson plan for the EMM4313 course is as posted here

Sorry for the delay. For the first lecture (introductory), please download the notes here.

For the second lecture..1 dimensional (D)..i think the hardcopy module is enough as your reading materials.

Remember the 1D example that i forgot the method of getting the area...well we all didnt read the whole question. How did the area became 6,4.5 and 3....well we didnt see the axis...we dont use the x-y elavation but its the x-z you need to multiple with the block thickness not the witdh..we re all fooled huhuhuhuh...

Ok this is the first tutorial (here)...please do them.

Ok yeah..the class on Monday 26/9/2011 is NOT cancelled....i will start the 3nd chapter tomorrow.